Telegram is the most popular alternative to WhatsApp. Due to the new privacy policy released by WhatsApp, more and more people are switching to Telegram. In addition to messaging, Telegram is notable for its various other features. Hence, new telegram updates are being ruled out. In this article we have explained the steps to schedule messages on Telegram.
Here is one new Telegram update: How to Schedule Messages on Telegram.
How do I schedule messages on Telegram?
Telegram may even have features that you have not tried before. Such is the system of scheduling and sending messages. Everything from Telegram to Android, iOS, and PC can avail of this service.
It’s just that you have to adopt a different approach to each based on the new telegram update. Here’s how to schedule and send messages on an Android phone.
- Open the Telegram app on your Android mobile phone
- If you are a new user, make sure you are registered with the Telegram app Go to the contact list and select the person to send the message to. Type the message to be sent in the message tab.
- Click and hold on the click mark to send the message. You can see two options: schedule messages and voicemail.
- Choose the first of these.
- Enter the time after which the message should be sent. The message will be sent to the contact at the given time.
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